Inconsistent and non-standard processes don’t allow “single source of truth” for leads, deals, client and contact information;
Manually collated and fragmented information - siloed - with critical dependency on individual, territorial or/and business behaviours. .
Lack of Governance to support territories and businesses needs via a formal framework for alignment between IT strategy and business strategy. .
Dual Tracking Agile: Discovery and development conjoined model in a two track not two teams.
85 Times “Spreadsheet” was mentioned, 600 Minutes of Interviews with 11 different users, 30 common themes, 160 pages of interview transcriptions.
I am the pioneer of using an analytics tool - Tableau - recently acquired by Salesforce to support our design process. The data gathered from user research were consolidated into themes in a dashboard facilitating stakeholder engagement as well as insights resulting from the data clustered.